Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last Post from the MTC

Here is our district at the end of our 11 Weeks!

Tuesday August 21, 2012

Mina San! Konnichwa! みなさん!こんいちわ!
I can hardly believe that in a week from this very moment I will be in JAPAN!! Wahoo!! I can hardly believe it! I feel like I'm in a 1960's movie, like South Pacific, with the weird colored hazy dreamy scenes. Japan seems so sureal, a foggy dream that I can't even comprehend. Demo (but) I am SO stoked!

Quick update on this week.
Me, with Hansen and Black Shimai
First: I am no longer in a trio!  It's back to just me and Hansen Shimai. I can't remember if I mentioned Budge Shimai or not. (She is the one whose parents are the mission presidents in Tokyo.) She did this accelerated program where she left our zone for 3 weeks, went and did what the English missionaries do, and is now back and flies out with us to Japan. As of Monday morning she became Black Shimai's companion. I feel bad for Black Shimai. She is on her fourth companion.

One of the Choros anonymously sent us this picture us what we looked like 15 years ago.
But she is SUPER cute and we all love her (Sister Budge), so it's not a problem.  I would probably miss Black Shimai no longer being in our companionship, but, they left her in our district and we are still roommates.  So we are now the "ruckiest" (as the Japanese would say) district because we have FOUR shimai, where most only have 2 or none.

It has been a weird adjustment going back to just the two of us. Sometimes I look around frantically trying to find Black Shimai. Then I remember I don't have to go everywhere with her now.  If feels like I've lost an appendage. It's kind of weird. But I do love continuing to bond with Hansen Shimai. We get more and more sarcastic with each other as the days go on. It's going to be a real problem in Japan. They don't understand sarcasm!

I am no longer the coordinating sister!  Mixed feelings about this. I definitely don't miss going to all of the meetings....But I really enjoyed going around and talking with each Shimai every night. I got to know them all so well. It's weird to actually have time to get ready for bed and write in my journal at night. The new coordinating sister is Buhler Shimai. She is so cute. She's perfect, and I know she will uplift all those she comes in contact with.

For our devotional last Tuesday we had Elder Evans-head of the missionary department. (He is the one who fixed the dragon lady problem! My scriptures are being engraved at this very moment.) Elder Evans talked about the rescue. And really emphasized how it isn't just about those who have never heard the gospel, yes, they need to come to a knowledge, but it is also for those who did know of it once, and are no longer partaking in the joy of the gospel. 

Thank you Elder Evans for making this possible

It really is so true. Why would we not want to rescue those ones as well?! I definitely have realized the importance of this, even here in the MTC.  There are a handful of Elders here that grew up in gospel homes. They decided to leave, for various reasons, but then through a friend, missionaries, or a knowledge that they needed something more, they all came back in to the fold. And they have become valuable resources.

They have testimonies of the atonement, they've needed to use its sanctifying power before they could come. They also know of the truthfulness of the gospel. That is why they are here. Not because of social obligations but because they want to teach about the Savior and His cleansing effect He can have in people's lives.

And the cool thing is, everyone respects them even more. There is no judging. We all know that it takes more courage to come back to the church, repent, AND decide to go on a mission, especially if you are older. These are truly the amazing Elders that will bare powerful testimonies in Japan.

Lately it feels like all of the speakers for firesides and devotionals talk a lot about the doctrine of Christ. I've always known what the doctrine of Christ is. But it wasn't until I came on a mission that I realized how important it truly is! And, it's everywhere in the Book of Mormon. Almost every chapter talks about at least one of the points, usually two or three of them.

The Lord is placing a high emphasis on this if He has His prophets constantly write about it. And the cool thing is, that the doctrine of Christ is the missionaries’ purpose (mokuteki). That's why I'm here. To teach about the Doctrine of Christ.
Reading through this, it makes not as much sense. But in my head it's super cool. :)

Every Saturday we teach at what is called the TRC.  Volunteers come in, and we teach them.  It's all in Japanese.  Usually the volunteers are Japanese or RM's. who want to stay up with their Japanese.  This particular volunteer just returned from Tokyo.  After our lesson they fill out a form giving us feedback.  The second question asks, 

"What new thing did you learn today?"

His answer, PRICELESS!!!

"I now have a testimony that sister missionaries are so much better than Elders"

That made our day!

Another cool story.  My district got chosen to be interviewed by a super famous Japanese newspaper!

We were the only missionaries out of ALL the missionaries in the entire world who got interviewed.

The reporters came, observed some language instruction, took LOTS of pictures and talked to a few of us individually.  It was SO cool.

They print the paper in Japanese and English!

So hopefully they’ll write about us in a positive light so we can be a powerful resource for missionary work.  They said they’ll forward us the internet link when it’s published and I’ll send it to you guys.

Well. I love you all so much! The next email you receive will be sent from the Land of the Rising Sun!!!!!!!!!!

p.s.  FYI There are 4 districts from my zone that are all flying out on Monday.  We don’t all go together on the same flight though.  Some go to LA and then to Narita (Tokyo).   My group goes from Seattle straight to Osaka.  SO  EXCITED!!!

 p.p.s One of the Elders bought this Mexican drink you can buy at the MTC bookstore.  We are celebrating getting our travel plans and going to Japan!

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