Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mission Conference

March 4, 2013

What?!  It`s March?! Where did the time go? I honestly still feel like I am a second transfer missionary. Not one who is 1/2 way done!! Time went by too fast. 

So this week.... 

Ra*** was in the hospital until Saturday. We went to visit her once. But then she said she didn`t want us to come back. She said she thought her being in the hospital was God`s gift to her. She just wanted to lay in bed all day, watch TV, and not talk to anyone. She is so funny, but it`s frustrating that she didn`t want to meet with us. Sunday she did come to church which was great!

Shrines at the Children's Festival
On Thursday we went to visit a less active with our ward mission leader and his wife. We didn`t know this before, but she was working at a booth for a festival they have. It’s  the festival for the Children. They have these special gods that they pray to asking them to protect their children. I didn`t understand all of it, but after we visited her we walked around for a little bit. I`ll send some pictures. Our ward mission leader asked if we had any festivals to celebrate children in America. I then heard the wise words of my father pop in my head when I asked why we have a mother’s day and father’s day but no kid’s day.  He said, every day is ‘kid’s day”    I told our mission leader but he didn`t get it. I thought it was funny.

These were made by Kindergarteners
These are over 100 years old

On Thursday we also taught Ich**** San. We did some how to begin teaching and it was really great! The Spirit was there. She is so funny! When we were talking about prayer she asked if she could pray in her heart. We told her she could because God knows all of her thoughts and desires. She then got this panicked look on her face, her eyes got really wide then she put her hand on her heart. She gasped, `Oh no! Not my heart! Sometimes it`s not good! I don`t want Him knowing my heart!!!` We testified again of God`s love and how He will love her no matter what. She was a little relieved and she agreed to pray. 

We are meeting with her again on Thursday. And we can`t wait. She is probably our most solid investigator right now.

On Saturday we had a mission wide conference! It was super great. It was weird, but super great seeing everyone in the whole mission. Tad R. Callister came and spoke. SOO good! So lately President Zinke has really emphasized the atonement. Mainly the enabling power of the atonement and He asked Elder Callister to talk about that. 
Can't wait to see how many more sisters there will be in a year from now!

It was really great. I wish I had time to explain it all now but know that I am so grateful for the atonement and I know that we need it every day in order to do the work of the Lord. Elder Callister also spoke on being a consecrated missionary. Giving everything to the Lord and then working. We definitely aren`t perfect. And the Lord doesn`t expect us to be perfect, but I definitely have a lot I can do to be more consecrated. 

As we truly focus more on the work and put in our whole heart, might, mind and strength the Lord will be able to enable us, through the Atonement, to do what He expects us to do. 

On Sunday we tried visiting R*** and His family. We had an appointment. But when we showed up everyone but R**** was sleeping. And we couldn`t teach only him, so...Bummer. 

Sorry it`s kind of short. There isn`t a WHOLE lot to report from this week. 

But I love you all!! 
-Dobson Shimai 

Got a Haircut-There was a communication error and it's shorter than I wanted :(

Tim Tams!! 
For your birthday (mine is in three weeks)  Sister Zinke gives you Tim Tams. These really yummy cookie things. But you can`t eat them just plain. You have to have a TIM TAM SLAM. These is where you bite off the corners of the cookie, and drink through it like a straw. Then you drink hot chocolate so it gets all gooey and mushy in the middle. SOOO yummy!! 

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