October 21st, 2012
Hello to everyone I
love! It has been a fabulous week. The one with the most miracles and success
than any other week since being here in Japan.
I will get to all of
that in just a little bit.
First, on Thursday we
had interviews. We all got together as a zone in Okiyama, had a little
training, and then President interviewed us.
There was a fun
surprise waiting for me when I got there. I guess I wasn`t the only one who
transferred recently. Hansen Shimai also just transferred. She got sent to
Okiyama with a new trainer. I had no idea! But it`s great! It was fun seeing
her. Hopefully we`ll get to see each other a little more now that we are in the
same zone.
In my interview with
President he just talked about being confident in the work. It`s okay that I
don`t speak Japanese. The Lord knows that, and is willing to work with it if I
turn to Him. It was edifying and uplifting. I have a great mission
Ok. Now to attempt to
explain some of the miracles.
So this week we felt
like we needed to go to this place we saw on the map. We were feeling
adventurous so we went out on Wednesday. We packed a dinner of hard boiled eggs
and rice. To add to the excitement it was raining way hard. We are not talking
like a little sprinkle. It was a full on down pour. We put on our rain suits
and started biking.
After an hour and
half of riding we got approximately where we wanted to go. There were groups of
houses nestled nicely into the side o the mountain. We felt like we should
start there.
We took off our rain
suits, popped open our umbrellas and started knocking houses. One by one people
weren`t interested. We honestly didn`t get passed the name of the church before
people rejected us.
We were a little
deflated...and soaking. We were also hungry. So we decided to put our rainsuits
back on and we found a little abandoned drive way. We sat down and had our meal
of eggs and rice. We laughed at the sight we must have been.
It was still a little
light outside and we felt like miracles were yet to be seen. So we packed up
and got back on our bikes. We rode to another cluster of houses. We both felt
good about them so we parked and started knocking again. The first door we
tried was this cute mom with 3 boys. We talked with her for probably about 10
minutes. She seemed relatively interested, not totally enthralled. But like any
good missionaries we asked if we could come back. She said yes, but didn`t
really give a specific day or time.
We thought it was a
success and kept moving on.
As we were continuing
to knock doors we rang this door bell and a young girl answered the phone. We
asked if her mom was there. She said to wait a minute. We patiently did, then
the girl and her mom came to the door.
As we were talking I
the Spirit was so strong. Even though every layer I was wearing was completely
soaking, my whole body was warm. It was the Spirit confirming to us that we
were exactly where we needed to be.
As we were talking
with her I kept remembering this member in our ward. She is a cute mom of 3
kids and also served a mission. I also knew that she spoke Japanese sign
language. I asked if we could come back with our friend on another day. She
said we could and we set up an appointment. As we were leaving she said, `Thank
you. I love you`. All in English.
We were obviously
thrilled about this whole experience! She was just amazing. As we were
continuing to knock doors we were discussing when we wanted to contact the
sister from our ward to make sure she could go with us.
As we were doing so I
knocked on a door. A little girl answered the door and then her mom came to the
where she lived.
But just 3 houses
down from our major miracle, we had another one! We talked with the member
about what had happened and asked if she knew the family. She said she had
talked with them a little bit and that she would love to go with us and
Isn`t that just the
coolest thing?! There are definitely no accidents in the work of the
Well our appointment
with the deaf lady was for this last Saturday. We decided to go a little bit
early and see if we could talk to the mom of the other family again.
We got out there a
little later than expecting so we were just going to try and get a return
appointment, we weren`t really going to teach.
As the mom answered
the door she looked a little surprised to see us. And awkward. She wasn`t sure
if she wanted to listen. But we asked if we could share a message on another
day. She said if we wanted we could share it right then.
Sweet! So we ended up teaching her and her 3 boys a little lesson. At first they were a little skeptical, but at the end one of the boys said he thought that God existed. That was a great success!
We asked if we could
meet with them again. And they actually said yes!! Yay! So they became new
investigators! It was so exciting! I felt like we were actually being
missionaries. We are meeting with them today. We hope this next lesson
goes well!
After that lesson we
went to our neighbors house and then went together to our other appointment.
The mom was so cute and very good about being genuinely interested in what we
were saying. Again, the Spirit was very strong as we talked. We set up another
appointment with them as well! We are meeting with them next Monday, which we
are thrilled about.
As we were leaving we
met the husband who was just coming home from work. He is also deaf. I am very
impressed with their daughter, (sorry they have 2 daughters but the older one
who is 9 is the one who translates) she is fluent and has a great relationship
with her parents.
They are a great
family! The dad is super nice and was very warm towards us. We are tickled to
death that we get to start teaching this wonderful family!
Even though both of
our new investigators live so far away we are excited that our legs are going
to be in such good shape!
In regards to our
other investigator, U----- Shimai, she is doing well. We had a great lesson
with her this week and taught the whole restoration. She came to church
yesterday which was a great step for her. The only probably is that she has a
lot of family opposition to her investigating the church. Both her husband and
her 21 year old son are opposed. I guess the Japanese just have bad ideas about
religion and don`t like it at all.
She is not a very
self confident person. Even though she is starting to come to know that the
church is true, I`m worried if we don`t figure out something to do with her
family, we`re going to lose her. That would be tragic. She is so close to
coming to the one thing she needs in this life more than anything. I don`t want
her to let it slip through her fingers.
Last night we had a
cool experience. We went back to the house were the wife is Phillipino and the
husband is Japanese. They both have the Book of Mormon in their native tongue.
We went back a week ago to see if we could teach them, the husband said he
hadn`t read the book and wanted us to come back in a week. So we went back! He
didn`t seem very surprised to see us. After talking for a minute we found out
that he had been studying about the church and missionaries. He said he was
interested in why were were so persistent in talking with them.
From what he talked about, it sounds like he studied a lot! He did most of his research on the internet. He had some correct information, but also some incorrect information. We tried to correct some of it but he still had a lot of questions. We asked if we could teach him more about what we believe, but he said he didn`t really want to hear. Anderson Shimai just plowed through anyways and taught the whole first lesson in 3 minutes, while standing in his door way. I think he was starting to understand more. We gave him the churches web pages and said that they had all of the right information. He said he would look it up and that we could come back and ask him how it went.
So, I think he is
going to investigate. He just doesn`t know it yet. He will take time, I think
he will come around. He studies harder than any of our current investigators.
So, he`s golden!
Well that`s all I
have time for today.
But I love you all so
much! The church is true!
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