Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Call To Be A Sister Leader

May 27, 2013

Wow! A mission is just a really long roller coaster. This week we started climbing up again to the top of the hill. 

To start off. We really have been praying and working to find new investigators. Especially a family. I LOVE teaching families. Well Tuesday we looked at our week. We realized we had no lessons set up and none of our investigators were contacting us. We weren`t sure what we were going to do so we prayed and prayed and tried to get some revelation. We felt like we needed to go outside the church in the afternoon and offer people church tours. We had done it once before but it wasn`t super successful. But we decided to try it again.

We stopped a lot of people but no one was interested. Finally 5 minutes before we were going to go we stopped a cute lady riding a mammachatty. We told her who we were and that we were offering church tours. We asked her if she would like one. She said, `sure!` We were both pleasantly surprised. She said she lives pretty close to the church and sees everyone come together every Sunday and she has always wondered what they all do. 

So we showed her around the whole church. She seemed to like it. We decided to end with the chapel and teach a lesson there. 

When we walked into the chapel I felt like we were walking into the temple. 
It got so quiet. And my heart feels like it does when I am in the temple. Oh how I miss that feeling!! We sat down and just sat there for a couple of minutes. We didn`t say anything. We just let the Spirit work on her. And it did. Her face softened and she had this hungering look in her eyes. Then we started slowly introducing God. 

I asked her if she believed in God. She quickly said no. I was going to start teaching but then I felt like I needed to just be quiet. So I was. Then after 15 seconds she said, `but I do believe in a higher power`. Instantly I thought of Alma and Aaron and how they were teaching King Lamoni and his father. These people are the same. They have grown up without knowing the true nature of God. But they do have a piece of truth. What those 2 awesome missionaries did was try to take the truth that they did have and connect it into the whole truth. We testified that that higher power was God. And that He was actually there. And that He loved her. We were quiet again.

Tears started welling up in her eyes. We talked about how He wants her and her two kids (ages 2 and 4) to live with Him forever. We gently explained how we, as missionaries, can teach her how to do that. I then asked her if that is something she would be interested in hearing more about. She was quiet for almost a whole minute. But it felt longer. Her head was dropped and you could really tell she was soaking it all in. Then she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, `teach me how to do that.` YAY!!!! A FAMILY!! I am seriously so happy!! We are meeting with her on tomorrow and I can`t wait to see her start progressing! God truly does answer our prayers. 

But that was only the first way He kindly answered. 

Thursday we had a big conference. Elder Aoyagi from the 70 came and spoke to us. It was really good. Learned a lot about loving the people and becoming a more effective tool in the hands of the Lord. I also got to play the flute for a musical number. It felt so good!! Oh how I miss my flute!! 

Anyways. When we got home on Thursday we didn`t have a bunch of time but we decided to make some calls from the area book. Calling old investigators and asking them if they`d be interested in meeting with us again. The first lady we called answered the phone. I told her who I was. She got all excited and said, `Oh! Are you the ones who go to church every week? I want to go again! I can`t talk right now but call me back and I`ll come to church!` Success in the first call! She wasn`t able to come this week because she had work. But she`s going to try and come next week. 

We also talked with a college aged girl. She said that she wants to meet the missionaries again! She said she also lives close to the church and wants to meet there. Sweet!! 

Saturday as we were out streeting at night we ran into a super cute girl. She has never met the missionaries before but is interested in our message. She said she wanted to meet again. She lives pretty far from the church. So I told her we could meet her at a closer place. She said that was ok because she really wanted to see our church! We have an appointment with her this week as well. 

Obviously we were so happy about all of this success. 

But then on Sunday we had another miracle! 

We met another Chinese PI a couple of weeks ago. She said she wanted to  come to our church and see what it was like. But wasn`t able to last week  because of work. We invited her for this past Sunday. She promised she would come. Sure enough she did! After sacrament meeting we taught her a brief lesson before she had to go to work. She said she has been to a Christian church a couple of times in China with her Grandma. (That in and of itself is a miracle!) She was really impressed with it and wants to learn more. We also did a little bit of explaining about God. When we talked about how much God loves her she got all teary eyed and said, `ya...He does.` We have another lesson with her as well. I am seriously so excited! The Lord has been blessing us so much recently! 

I am so excited to teach all of these lessons. 

Well I was until I got a phone call from President Zinke last night. At first I was really confused because transfer calls are next week. He told me that a lot of changes are going on in the mission. He then told me that they are now implementing the new Sister Leadership position. The Sister Training Leader. I am not sure all what it entails. There are going to be 4 of us. Hansen Shimai is also one! Yay! I hope we get to be companions again. That would be SWEET!! I have to go into Kobe tomorrow and get trained. I am excited to know more. But I am sad to not teach the 3 lessons we have set up tomorrow. Lee Shimai will go and teach them with Davis Shimai and Ishizawa Shimai. 
A member took us to yakisoba and okonamiyaki. So yummy!!

President did say that he is worried about who he is going to have training the new sisters coming in. He told me that he was planning on having all 4 of us train 2 new sisters at a time. But now we can`t. He did say this is the will of the Lord. I am not sure what is going to happen. But I am way excited! I am going full throttle for my last 4 transfers! Nothing is getting the way of Dobson Shimai! Watch out Japan!!!! 

In other news: I got proposed to by the Elder`s 55 year old investigator at English Class. Haha. `You. Beautiful. Me not married. dakara (because of that) Married shimasho! (let`s get married)` 

I can also ride a bike with no hands. I can`t go very far yet. But I am practicing. My record is 17 pedals. :) 

Well I love you all so much! I hope you are enjoying the quickly approaching summer. Boy is it hot here!  Everyone here keeps saying that Kyoto is one of the hottest places because we are surrounded by mountains, so we can`t get the ocean breeze to cool us off. yay....

Well! Bye bye! 
-Dobson Shimai